In the first level, students venture into the world of app making using MIT App Inventor, a user-friendly drag-and-drop interface that aids in understanding the nuances of User Interface (UI) and backend functionalities. Emphasizing Android development, this level serves as an excellent introduction, although iOS devices are not compatible with the app created.
Level two delves deeper into Android app development, utilizing Java as the programming language within the Android Studio IDE. This native app builder ensures a clean project structure, and students must grasp Java, which is a prerequisite for this course. The curriculum encompasses front-end development, dealing with permissions and dependencies, and instructs students on setting up their manifest file XML to access various libraries. Additionally, students gain insights into publishing their apps on the Play Store.
An alternative course explores iOS development, requiring students to possess an iOS desktop or laptop for project programming, as Apple restricts development to Mac devices. Using Xcode and Swift language, students learn how to design their app UI through a simple drag-and-drop system. Further details are provided on the intricacies of programming in Xcode, elucidating the process of code execution.
Students must have a background in programming. Either Python, Java or C++ is okay.
Usually the student is recommended to create a GitHub account so they can upload their project and have access to it on any device they own to continue programming. Although mentors will not assign homework, it is recommended for the student to take the project home and try to solve the current problem.
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